Diet Management 

Diet Management

Children and adolescents form the backbone of future generations and their health and nutrition play a significant role in human resource development. In modern times, children in developing countries are exposed to poverty, unstimulating home environments, malnutrition, and other risks, and this affects their growth, development and overall health. India is a lower-middle-income country facing these problems, and more than 40% of Indian children are stunted. In spite of poverty alleviation and improved food availability, malnutrition and related health problems are increasing among Indian children. In India, malnutrition is a problem of multiple dimensions — social, cultural economic, health, educational and nutritional. India has 1.5 to 2 times stunting and wasting rates compared to global average. Thus, meeting nutritional needs for Indian kids is essential to bridge the gap of growth milestones.


Parenthood is the most beautiful journey of one’s life. A child is the best gift from god that one can receive. A healthy child physically and psychologically is very important for proper well being.